Sunday, March 1, 2015

February: What I Did, What I Bought

 Something I did earlier int the year, around that infamous resolution time , was to set some goals for myself to do things I enjoy, but that aren't as dead easy  as lazing around on my bed with my dogs, surfing the internet as if all those interesting things I'm pinning/hearting are going to DIY themselves. So, because I like to make lists as much as I like to think up rules for myself, I thought it would be fun to document the things I actually did during the month along with what I bought. My goals were mostly based around cultural activities - I said I was going to read (at least most of) one book, watch one movie, and visit/attend one location/event each month. Not anything difficult, as the point was to make myself do things a little differently, not necessarily anything special or impressive.  This is what I managed in February: