Friday, February 27, 2015

2015: Current Wardrobe vs. Planned Wardrobe

Central Park, Personal Photo

Well, I wasn't trying leave this blog empty for so long, but a few months ago my laptop broke, and I was too lazy to get it properly fixed for...apparently like six months. In any case, I never did repair it - I bought a new one. So I'm now the proud  owner of a Dell Inspiron 11, and, according to my sister, possibly the only person who doesn't hate Windows 8. 

Anyway. I won't even try to individually review all the purchases and shopping conclusions I've made since September; that would be way too cumbersome. I know it's  already the last week of February, but I think I'm going to start out (semi-)fresh, with the post I had intended for January. All this is, is a comparison of what I actually own vs. the wardrobe plan I've been attempting to follow since about the middle of last year.